Space Explorer Adventure

In this game, the user will guide a spaceship through space to collect stars while avoiding asteroids. The game ends if the spaceship hits an asteroid, and the player wins by collecting a certain number of stars.

Step 1:

Choose a backdrop and a character for the player to use. I chose a galaxy and a spaceship.

Step 2:

Create the Spaceship’s Movement: The spaceship should move left and right using the arrow keys.


To change the location of a sprite, change the value of the x or y. (If you look under the stage you can see arrows that show what x and y are for)

Step 3:

Add a sprite for the character to catch.

a) Make this sprite start at a random position at the top of the stage. I chose a star.

b) Make the star constantly fall.


a) There is a block in operators that gives you a random number. This can be used in combination with a motion block. Which motion block makes the sprite teleport?

b) Do you need to change the x or y value to make the star fall 1 step? After you make it fall once, how do you make it repeat falling?

Step 4:

Add an obstacle sprite for the character to avoid. (Same as step 3)

a) Make this sprite start at a random position at the top of the stage. I chose an asteroid.

b) Make the astroid constantly fall. 


a) There is a block in operators that gives you a random number. This can be used in combination with a motion block. Which motion block makes the sprite teleport?

b) Do you need to change the x or y value to make the star fall 1 step? After you make it fall once, how do you make it repeat falling?

Step 5:

If the star touches the bottom of the screen, it should jump back to the top of the stage.

Do the same with the astroid. 


To check if the star is touching the edge, you will need a block from Control and a block from Sensing

Step 6:

If the spaceship touches the asteriod, it should say “game over” and end the game.


To check if the spaceship is touching the edge, you will need a block from Control and a block from Sensing

Step 7:

Make a score Variable. 

a) At the start of the game, the score should be set to 0

b) When the star touches the spaceship, the star should go back to the top and the score should go up.


a) You will need to make the score in the variable section.